The shop that staircase builders rely on.
For more than 60 years, BUCHER has been the leading wooden staircase manufacturer in Germany. With the introduction of the “Systemtreppe” (a handrail-supporting system staircase) in 1964, BUCHER revolutionized the staircase market. Building on this legacy, the company offers a wide range of high-quality staircase parts and extensive service to builders through their online shop. Reason enough to thoroughly overhaul the current online store and, alongisde a new logo and name, modernize its technical foundation.
In addition to the technical implementation in Shopware 6, we handled the naming, corporate identity, marketing, and conceptual development and execution of the store. We are delighted that BUCHER has once again entrusted us with their project, and we are proud to have successfully brought the new online shop to life together.